The PBPM program is considered a graduate program, and most graduate students are only eligible for federal student loans by submitting a FAFSA. Students are able to look for private outside scholarships, and if you are a Maryland resident you may look for Maryland state financial aid opportunities.
There are a limited number of competitive partial scholarships which are determined by the PBPM Admissions Committee during a student's application to the program. There is no separate application for these scholarships, and all applicants are considered.
Depending on their personal federal loan history, PBPM students are typically eligible for $20,500 in federal unsubsidized loans just by submitting a FAFSA, and may borrow up to an additional $45,000 (estimated) by applying for a Graduate PLUS or private loan. An easy and quick way to see how much you have borrowed already is to do the Annual Student Loan Acknowledgement.
Yes. You may borrow above the billable tuition costs for indirect costs such as books, room and board, transportation, and miscellaneous/personal expenses.
Student loans are disbursed and applied to your billing account. Any additional amount is processed to you as a "refund" by the Goucher Billing office.
Disbursements happen at the beginning of each semester, around the first week of classes. Some indirect costs may need to be paid out-of-pocket until you can receive your loan, so please plan accordingly. These are rough estimates, but for a maximum borrower you may be eligible to borrow and receive up to an additional $4,600 in early June 2025, $6,900 in early September 2025, and another $6,900 in early February 2026.
Federal regulations limit borrowing to a student's total Cost Of Attendance, or COA. It is possible to request an increase to the COA, but there is no guarantee and it is subject to federal guidelines. Students need to complete an additional appeal process and provide supporting documentation to show that actual costs are more than what is already structured in the standard COA. The earliest students are able to submit a COA increase request is around April/May.
Activate your official Goucher student e-mail when that information becomes available to you. All important e-mails about the billing account and financial aid will go only to your secure Goucher e-mail, so you don't want to miss any important updates.
Work with the Student Financial Services on your individual borrowing goals and needs by sending us an e-mail. A more detailed information sheet with typical borrowing scenarios will be available March 2025.
Once financial aid is made available to you, officially accept or decline using the online portal called Net Partner. (See below.)
If you intend to accept any federal loans, you will need to complete required federal online tasks including: Entrance Counseling, and the Master Promissory Note (MPN). The login is the same as for your FAFSA. You do not need to specifically wait to have your loans accepted and may use estimates as needed for completing these tasks early.
Beginning on or about May 1st, students will begin receiving financial aid notifications and will need to officially accept/decline any loans (see Net Partner section below). This is the best time to apply for a Graduate PLUS or private outside loan if you need more than the $20,500 in federal unsubsidized loans.
If you only want to borrow for tuition/fees, apply for at least another $25,500 for a PLUS loan. For maximum, indicate maximum on your PLUS application.
You may apply earlier, but this may mean that you will need to re-apply for your Spring semester if your credit check has expired.
If you are applying for a Graduate PLUS loan then you will also need to submit the additional Graduate PLUS Master Promissory Note (MPN).
Usually by about May 1st, you will be able to create and use your Net Partner account. You may not be able to activate Net Partner until you receive your official financial aid notification e-mail. This may vary each year depending on software updates. This is the system where you can review needed financial aid tasks, and where you will accept or decline any financial aid.
Please note that Net Partner is financial aid only, and there is a different system for the billing office and reviewing your actual statements.
Each type of aid requires you to meet and maintain certain eligibility requirements.
Students may receive financial aid up to their Cost of Attendance (COA). The COA includes direct institutional charges (tuition and fees) and estimates of indirect expenses (room and board, transportation, books and supplies, and miscellaneous expenses).
Please note that choosing the health insurance option through Goucher is not included
in any of the "standard" budget and loan calculations. You may be able to do a separate appeal to adjust your budget so you can borrow more.
Students with a completed FAFSA on file by March 1st and have clarified their borrowing needs with our office will receive their financial aid notifications on a rolling basis starting around May 1st. Students will receive an email when their financial aid may be accessed on Net Partner. Students will need to log into Net Partner to accept or decline any offered financial aid.
The first E-Bill for each semester will display financial aid as anticipated aid, provided the student has completed all required steps. Anticipated aid is applied to the account after the last drop date of each semester if the aid has been accepted on Net Partner and all required financial aid documents have been received and processed. Any remaining charges after all financial aid is applied must be paid by the E-Bill due date.
If the student borrowed more for indirect costs and has a credit on their account, they will need to set up their BankMobile preferences so the billing office can process the "refund". Learn more on the Request for Refund page.
PLAN AHEAD - Refunds are not available until after the semester begins and approximately 2 weeks after the start date of the term. Indirect expenses may need to be paid out of pocket until the refund is available.
Borrowing Plan Information Sheet for 2025-2026 (Available March 1st, 2025)